Providing the on-demand convenience of online streaming, selection, and price are how Netflix embraces their customers.
Technology is changing the way customers want services delivered, and as business marches forward it waits for nobody as bricks and mortar locations give way to more and more, Amazon, eBay, etc., although some people do still rent DVD’s.
Just like when the Mom and Pop video stores were put out-of-business, once again the game has changed with increased broadband capabilities and changing customer needs.
Slow in adapting its business model it seems Blockbuster is now eating the dust of Netflix, at least south of the border. Blockbuster seemed content to live and die charging customers exorbitant late fees to bolster their revenues. Now that’s really building customer loyalty.
International operations and domestic and international franchisees, which are legally separate entities, were not included in Blockbuster’s filings and are not parties to the Chapter 11 proceedings. Here’s the latest […]
Blockbuster reported in a statement to MSN that within the “last two to three years” it had closed “under three per cent” of its Canadian stores, which by a Blockbuster spokesperson’s estimation would account for about ten locations (= >300).
In the Tri-cities our local Coquitlam Blockbuster store is still open, or you can always borrow a DVD from one of the local libraries growing collections if you’re not into streaming.
…a lesson I learned in real estate is the importance of paying attention to what my clients want and not what I think they want, and giving it to them NOW.