Relocating to Metro Vancouver…

Vancouver is regarded as one of the most desirable places to live in the world and as a result we have a net in-migration of >35,000 people each year.  While the Vancouver pre-2010 Winter Olympics real estate market slowed down, the over-supply is dwindling and has returned to levels not seen for about 18 months. … Read more

Is it a quirk of fate that the Sheraton Guildford Hotel leaks?

For many years the home builders association has been holding seminars for homebuyers at the Sheraton Guildford Hotel. Leaky Surrey hotel at centre of lawsuit -Ted Colley, Surrey Now – Published: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 As a co-founder of the Coalition of Leaky Condo Owners, I along with some of my concerned colleagues attended these … Read more

The ecological footprint of new home construction…

While I don’t have any expertise on green building, I have some views on how greening the construction process itself might benefit British Columbians. “Green Building” generally refers to a set of principles that are used in the design, construction and function of homes that are intended to facilitate better performance related to energy efficiency … Read more

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