New Revenue Potential for TransLink?

New Revenue Potential for TransLink?

Transit schedules have been unreliable in many areas, especially in the ‘Burbs, and the reporting of changes is problematic.

Is the traditional communicating of transit schedules outmoded?

Transit users today want to get accurate real-time information, and this might just be coming soon to an information highway near you.

With the navigation assistance of a Global Positioning System (GPS) how long will it take before transit riders can rely on transit service?

Real-time satellite tracking as a bus or train leaves a stop can instantaneously update a website.

The expected arrival time at the next stop should be accessible through the Internet and your mobile device, and be more accurate than any previous static schedule ever was, giving passengers almost immediate updates.

Burnaby’s WebTech Wireless provides these systems throughout North America; check out what Banff Public Transit has been doing since 2008, here:

Until TransLink gets with the program you’ll have to make do with this app:

What will the new system look like? Who knows?

One thing is for sure; it could be a new opportunity for TransLink to capitalize on potential advertising revenue.

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