It has already been more than a decade since Canadian, Naomi Klein, took aim at the Brand Bullies in her international bestseller, NO LOGO. Was Klein seeking space that hadn’t been bought up by advertising; trying to rediscover our identities as citizens, and not just consumers?
In the trailer for his upcoming documentary, The Greatest Movie Ever Sold, Morgan Spurlock asks Consumer Advocate Ralph Nader, “Where should I be able to go where I don’t see one bit of advertising?” Nader responds, “To sleep!”
While recently watching Spurlock (of “Super Size Me” acclaim) presenting, The greatest TED Talk ever sold (clever), I was surprised to learn that a “No Logo” zone actually exists in São Paulo, Brazil.
According to Wikipedia, advertisers estimate that in 2007, São Paulo authorities “removed 15,000 billboards and that more than 1,600 signs and 1,300 towering metal panels were dismantled”.
From these barren streets of São Paulo to the billboards in Times Square, Spurlock shines a light on the world of product placement, marketing and advertising through his new film, fully financed by the very product placement the movie explores on screen.
The Greatest Movie Ever Sold is being brought to a theatre near you on April 22.
Peter Travers video review for Rolling Stone. Also this web link.