Contemplating Municipal Council
In three months, on November 5th, 2014, the advance polls open for municipal voting in Port Moody.
We are very fortunate to have many dedicated elected officials in the Tri-cities who not only put in the time, but also have a healthy diversity of opinions.
We don’t always agree, but we have to trust that collectively council will inevitably do the right thing for us taxpayers.
Recently I asked Coquitlam Mayor Richard Stewart (openly on Facebook) how much time he spent just reading to be prepared, and let’s just say that reading preparation alone is a full-time job. Then there are all the meetings and public appearances. That is a huge commitment.
There are a few councillors throughout the Tri-cities who do not put in the time, and it is sometimes blatantly obvious (as a council watcher) who isn’t on top of things and “winging it”. I’m insulted when a councillor says, I agree with (councillor name) and then parrots what was already said; please don’t waste my time.
Since the end of last year I’ve noticed candidates from the last election a little more visible at council meetings and public events than the previous two years. No doubt many of the potential candidates have served on city committees over the past years, and shown their commitment in other ways as well.
If you want my vote, then I’m going to encourage you to tell me what as a result of your committee work, other community involvement, or career, you personally uncovered (issues), solved (problems), and delivered (results).
I’d certainly like to hear how you might make a difference if you’re contemplating running for council. Do you have a vision?
Before the incumbents, media or a survey company, dictate an election agenda, I challenge all new candidates to solidify views and tell us what they see as the priority issues facing our municipality, and what they propose as viable solutions. Then, tell us how your unique experience dovetails to running the business of the city.
The election itself is on November 15th.