Port Moody Secondary School Dry Grad

Port Moody Secondary School Dry Grad

As you may have heard, there is a wonderful movement towards young adults staying safe while having fun at a “Dry Grad,” which means students have an alcohol-free, drug-free place to celebrate their grade 12 graduation. This after-party trend has been ramping up since the 1990s and Jessica and John were proud and honoured to once again sponsor Port Moody Secondary School’s Dry Grad on May 26, 2018. This is the fourth year we have assisted the senior high schoolers with enjoying their graduation night AfterGrad in a fun and safe manner without alcohol, drugs, or even tobacco.

High school grad parties are unquestionably a very important rite of passage but, tragically, too many teens (and innocent bystanders) have died or been injured in alcohol or drug-related accidents when the celebrations have gone too far.

We are delighted to help prevent these tragic types of accidents by sponsoring these well-deserved graduates of PMSS. We’re grateful for the recognition but, more importantly, we commend the students and staff, organizers and attendees, for keeping yourselves and the streets of Port Moody safe. Thank you for taking care of yourselves and each other. May that be a civic trend that follows you into adulthood.

PMSS Dry Grad Certificate


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