Who said the era of “bus bench” (or any print) advertising is dead for REALTORS®?
Well I must admit I did about 5 years ago given the passive nature and direction of such traditional marketing. Besides, do you believe someone would choose a REALTOR® from a sign on a bench, back of a bus, or a garbage bin? Really?
As this type of advertising has been declining the past decade, there have been growing numbers of vacant benches with a sign that reads, “You just proved that this advertising works!”
All is not lost, and there is now new hope!
A modified version of the conventional print advertising sign (physical – offline) can now provide interactivity (digital – online) for the majority of consumers who have embraced smart phones.
The power of mobile devices will now conveniently connect consumers with instant content using a QR code reader app.
Picture this, you are walking by a home for sale and you are curious about it. The For Sale sign has a QR code on it, which you scan with your mobile device. You are automatically taken to a landing page (URL) where you will be able to instantaneously view all of the details of this property the REALTOR® has made available.
I suppose this must be why it got its “quick response” name.
Welcome to a new way of doing Real Estate!
Local coverage: http://www.thenownews.com/business/Realtor+embraces+codes/4502274/story.html
More here: http://www.remonline.com/home/?p=7849
…more on QR codes from our friends at BUY RIC: http://www.buyric.com/tech/2011/03/using-qr-codes-in-real-estate-to-connect-with-smartphones-12/