REALTORS® Reminded of Obligations to Clients

expert in disguise Real Estate

REALTORS® Reminded of Obligations to Clients “Don’t Take the Risk of Providing Services in an Area You’re Unfamiliar With.” – RECBC Once again (June, 2015) REALTORS® are being reminded by the Real Estate Council of British Columbia (RECBC), about the dangers of stepping outside their comfort zone. “Even in a hot property market, you can’t … Read more

Considering Real Estate South of the Border…

Are you considering investing in real estate south of the border? Here’s a little backgrounder. It’s been concluded that borrowing related to real estate primarily fueled the credit bubble in the U.S. It is my understanding that as homeowners defaulted on their mortgage loans, the financial institutions then devolved many of their losses (and responsibilities) … Read more

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