Unproven 6-Storey Wood Frame Buildings Raise Serious Questions…

http://www2.news.gov.bc.ca/news_releases_2005-2009/2008HSD0079-001459.pdf It is difficult to understand the motivation of our provincial government to throw so much of the housing ministry’s resources into another initiative (this time 6-storey wood frame buildings) that does nothing to improve homeowner protection in BC. How are the same people that can’t build a 4-storey building right, possibly going to achieve … Read more

Is it a quirk of fate that the Sheraton Guildford Hotel leaks?

For many years the home builders association has been holding seminars for homebuyers at the Sheraton Guildford Hotel. Leaky Surrey hotel at centre of lawsuit -Ted Colley, Surrey Now – Published: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 As a co-founder of the Coalition of Leaky Condo Owners, I along with some of my concerned colleagues attended these … Read more

About Leaky Condos; the truth…

This is a follow up to this previous post which you might want to read as a backgrounder. The control of rain penetration relies on the exterior layer (the wall cladding) of the building envelope assembly to resist all rain penetration.  This requirement has always been a requirement of the building code no matter what the envelope … Read more

Leaky condos mishandled by senior gov’ts…

Burnaby-New Westminster NewsLeader – June 25, 2008 Re: Fewer than half of leaky condos fixed so far: report It is interesting to read that more than $460 million has been approved by the Homeowner Protection Office (HPO) for no-interest leaky condo loans from the launch of the program to date. Since only about 20 per … Read more

“MLA wants regulations for home inspectors”

Letter to the Editor: Homebuyer beware – Coquitlam NOW – Friday, June 06, 2008 Re: “MLA wants regulations for home inspectors” Friday, May 30. The “neglect in protecting homebuyers” is widespread, and Coquitlam-Maillardville MLA Diane Thorne’s concern is shared by many. Home buying is fraught with risk and claims far too many victims; whether resale … Read more

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