Is your 2010 tax assessment correct?

Homeowner advocate and local Realtor, John Grasty, offers Tri-City area homeowners (and buyers) relevant property information, including comparable sales data and the most up to date and accurate picture of activity and trends for a particular market. “This is simply neighbourhood intelligence; an added-value service with no strings attached,” says Grasty. “Homeowners have better choices … Read more

BC Home Inspections: The Skinny

Consumers seeking the services of a home inspector are reminded to ask before signing a home inspection contract to see the Consumer Protection BC wallet-sized licence issued to home inspectors. Effective March 31, 2009, British Columbia became the first province in Canada, through the Home Inspector Licensing Regulation, requiring the licensing of all those individuals … Read more

How do I avoid buying a leaky condo?

One year ago the following article which I wrote was published in the “pros & condos” section of Western Living Condo. Since then I have made it available to the public and other Realtors through my website and seminars. From feedback received I know it has already helped buyers so I thought it would be … Read more

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